Credentials to technologies and media used in the VisImE-360 project:
Eurostat Open Data portal
For the numerous data sets that become the basement of the VisImE-360.
Software environment for statistical computing and graphics
The R project and the authors and maintainers of the packages used during the production of data visualizations:
- R project
- abind
- askpass
- assertthat
- backports
- base
- base64enc
- bit
- bit64
- bitops
- blob
- boot
- brew
- brio
- broom
- bslib
- cachem
- callr
- cellranger
- class
- classInt
- cli
- cli
- clipr
- cluster
- codetools
- colorspace
- commonmark
- compiler
- conquer
- corrplot
- countrycode
- cowplot
- cpp11
- crayon
- credentials
- crosstalk
- crul
- curl
- data.table
- data.table
- datasets
- dbplyr
- desc
- devtools
- dichromat
- diffobj
- digest
- dotCall64
- dplyr
- dtplyr
- e1071
- ellipsis
- english
- eurostat
- evaluate
- fansi
- farver
- fastmap
- fields
- fontawesome
- forcats
- forecast
- foreign
- fracdiff
- fs
- gargle
- generics
- generics
- geojson
- geojsonio
- geojsonlint
- geojsonsf
- geometries
- gert
- ggmap
- ggplot2
- ggpubr
- ggrepel
- ggsci
- ggsignif
- ggthemes
- gh
- gitcreds
- glue
- googledrive
- googlesheets4
- graphics
- grDevices
- grid
- gridExtra
- gtable
- haven
- highr
- hms
- htmltools
- htmlwidgets
- httpcode
- httpuv
- httr
- ids
- ini
- isoband
- jpeg
- jqr
- jquerylib
- jsonify
- jsonlite
- jsonvalidate
- KernSmooth
- knitr
- labeling
- later
- lattice
- lazyeval
- lifecycle
- listviewer
- lme4
- lmtest
- logr
- lubridate
- magrittr
- mapproj
- maps
- maptools
- Matrix
- MatrixModels
- matrixStats
- memoise
- methods
- mgcv
- mime
- minqa
- modelr
- munsell
- nlme
- nloptr
- nnet
- numDeriv
- openssl
- openxlsx
- pacman
- pals
- parallel
- pbkrtest
- pillar
- pillar
- pkgbuild
- pkgconfig
- pkgload
- plogr
- plotly
- pluralize
- plyr
- png
- polynom
- praise
- prettyunits
- processx
- progress
- promises
- protolite
- proxy
- ps
- purrr
- quadprog
- quantmod
- quantreg
- R6
- rapidjsonr
- rappdirs
- rcmdcheck
- RColorBrewer
- Rcpp
- RcppArmadillo
- RcppEigen
- reactable
- reactable
- reactablefmtr
- reactablefmtr
- reactR
- readr
- readxl
- RefManageR
- rematch
- rematch2
- remotes
- reprex
- rgdal
- rgeos
- rio
- rjson
- rlang
- rlang
- rmapshaper
- RMariaDB
- rmarkdown
- rnaturalearth
- rnaturalearthdata
- roxygen2
- rpart
- rprojroot
- rstatix
- rstudioapi
- rversions
- rvest
- rworldmap
- s2
- sass
- scales
- selectr
- sessioninfo
- sf
- sfheaders
- shiny
- sourcetools
- sp
- spam
- sparkline
- SparseM
- spatial
- splines
- stats
- stats4
- stringi
- stringr
- survival
- sys
- tcltk
- testthat
- this.path
- tibble
- tidyr
- tidyselect
- tidyverse
- timeDate
- tinytex
- tools
- translations
- triebeard
- tseries
- tzdb
- units
- urca
- urltools
- usethis
- utf8
- utils
- uuid
- V8
- vctrs
- viridis
- viridisLite
- vroom
- waldo
- wesanderson
- whisker
- widgetframe
- withr
- wk
- xfun
- xml2
- xopen
- xtable
- xts
- yaml
- zip
- zoo
Media used in the logo and promotional materials
- Free stock photos Pxfuel
- Gerd Altmann
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art